To ensure our collaboration will have optimal results, I offer one initial complementary session. During this session we will discuss the issue of concern and I will explain how Life Coaching works as well as how we will work together. In this way you will have an important personal experience. My goal is to see whether Life Coaching is suitable for you and if you and I can become good partners in order to decide on your next steps.
Then together we will plan your personalized sessions.
Each session is individual. In the case of relationships it is possible to involve other people in some sessions. We can hold our sessions in many ways, taking into consideration your schedule, your time and your place of residence.
Personal meetings / sessions. Together we choose and agree on the location where our sessions will take place so that you not only feel comfortable but you also have the necessary concentration. This type of session is perfect for the person who wants to have face-to-face contact.
Skype sessions. The new trend worldwide, it’s ideal if you have limited time, you travel or have a heavy schedule. These sessions work in the exact way as face-to-face sessions and have the same effectiveness. In addition they are easy to hold from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world.
Telephone sessions. They work just like the sessions via Skype and have the same benefits. Telephone communication needs to be done in a quiet place without interruptions.
E-mail Life Coaching. This method usually works as complementary to the above sessions.
Whichever type of session you choose, the tools used and the effectiveness of Life Coaching and Strategic Intervention Coaching are exactly the same. You and I will build a solid working relationship regardless of the type of our communication.