K. Z. - Corporate Executive

Intuitive, sincere, a wonderful listener and with a vivid spirit, Nadia succeeded in gaining my trust from the beginning. During our cooperation she gave me the tools and tactics I needed to get a grip on any situation while taking into consideration various perspectives and to go forward. Nadia can “read” people extremely well, goes beyond theory and offers essential and to-the-point advice tailored to your own personal goals. With her innate kindness and sweetness, it doesn’t take long before Nadia wins you over. Most importantly thought Nadia cares. She cares about how you feel and why and brings to the surface your abilities to handle challenges. Personally, after each session, I was full of energy and strength as she has a unique talent of showcasing the “star” in me. I appreciate immensely her support and guidance and admire her optimistic perspective on life. For these reasons I will continue to consult with her when necessary.

D. K. – Business Owner

Working with patience and love but also with persistence, you have helped me to throw away the unnecessary weight I was carrying in my life and to bring back joy and enthusiasm to my everyday life. Thank you not only because I have made a huge change in my life but mostly because I am closer to my family now more than ever.

R. N. - Project Management Consultant

My job had literally drained me and I was feeling I needed to break away from it but my fears had prevented me from taking any steps. Thank you Nadia, my coach, first in bringing to the forefront my passion in life and for finally making a change. I feel relieved and ready to step into my new reality...

L.T. – Professor

Life Coaching becomes an experience with Nadia! By asking the right questions she has managed to "open the door”" and challenge me about my choices. She has enhanced the process of my personal change by moving with great ease among the appropriate tools and techniques for me. She has enriched this path with empathy, enthusiasm and positivity and has not hesitated to use her intuition in identifying critical areas. She has supported me with great willingness and was eager to make me discover the way out of the “tunnel”. Her warmth and positivity combined with her astuteness are still with me!

M.K. - Psychotherapist

Your professionalism, warmth, confidence, humor, deep understanding and discreet nudging are among the key features I have appreciated in you, Nadia, from the beginning of our collaboration. My professional status as a psychotherapist and therefore as "the know-it-all type" could bring difficulty and resistance in your work. Yet you stood with simplicity, respect and discreet perseverance towards me which won me over and made me trust you very quickly. You are a person that cares, you communicate and express yourself directly and with authenticity, you know where to support and when to push. You are the professional that always stays up to date  with the latest information and developments. You are the Life Coach worth working with because you are very open and sincere in your communication and you know how to accompany the other where he/she wants to go with their success. Thank you very much Nadia because in addition to our collaboration I feel I have also earned a true friend.

A.K. – Bank Executive

Nadia believes in the internal power we all have and in the right to have the first say in our life. This is very evident in her Life Coaching which she practices with love and respect. She is flexible, practical and gifted in organization. With patience, perseverance and enthusiasm she has supported me to set my priorities and to find the much needed balance between my personal and professional life. During our sessions I could easily understand her approach and quickly experience the result.