These days there are many people who only discuss about COVID-19. There are so many “what ifs… The scenarios are not just dark; they are completely black. I am not saying we should not talk about this pandemic that is affecting the whole world. It concerns all of us and yes, unfortunately, it still holds a prominent place in our daily lives. But there is a huge difference between “I take precautions for myself and others” and “the end of the world has come.” Natural fear is transformed into phobia. And while fear can shake you and get you into action, phobia paralyzes you and leads you to inactivity.
What we are going through is plain difficult and hard. It is not in our human nature to not be able to give and receive hugs. This however is the situation today. Because tomorrow things will be different. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We know this too will pass. We also know that our lives after COVID-19 will not be the same as before. What we refer to as “normal” will not exist. It’s not the first time mankind is going through such hard times. World War II is one such example. Everyday life on a personal and professional level was different both before and after.
There are no stables other than ourselves and our relationships. That’s why we need to take special care. If you allow situations to influence and direct you, you are not helping yourself or others. So what can you do? Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Use the two amazing skills you already have: patience and endurance. If you feel that you do not possess them 100%, there are exercises that will help you develop them.
2. Commit to something that is very important to you and that you will do every single day. For example, not checking your cell phone and social media for half an hour a day every day.
3. Notice what you allow to get into your internal and external environment. This will help you maintain a calm state of self-confidence and achieve something you really want.
Opportunities exist in every situation. If someone else can do it, why not you?